> LQ Radio > Open Talk… about Open Source and Linux

SCALE 3X Audio Series III

February 22nd, 2005

Here’s the third in a series of audio clips from SCALE 3X. This one is a conversation with Brion Vibber of Wikipedia. Thanks again to Harold and remember that these are licensed under a Creative Commons license.



SCALE 3X Audio Series II

February 18th, 2005

Here’s the second in a series of audio clips from SCALE 3X. This one is a conversation with Thanks again to Harold and remember that these are licensed under a Creative Commons license.



SCALE 3X Audio Series

February 15th, 2005

Here’s the first in a series of audio clips from SCALE 3X. I’d like to thank Harold, who recorded these and has given LQ exclusive access. The audio clips are licensed under a Creative Commons license, so feel free to pass them around.


–jeremy Podcast – 02.13.05

February 13th, 2005

The latest Podcast. Topics include , Members Choice Award winners, LQ Radio, some SCALE 3X audio clips, LQ ISO, Microsoft security and the latest SCO ruling.



Streaming LQ Podcasts

February 7th, 2005

The latest LQ Podcast should now be available via the following stream. If anyone has any problems, let me know. Not 100% sure this is something that will be available long term, but I figured it’s worth a test to see if gets used.


Gmail Invites

February 6th, 2005

I just got 50 Gmail invites in my account, so if any LQ Radio listeners would like an invite, leave a comment and I’ll send one over.


Tags: Linux, Gmail

Vote for the LQ Podcast

February 4th, 2005

Do you like the LQ Podcast? If so, if you have a chance please visit Podcast Alley and vote for us. Thanks!

–jeremy Podcast – 02.02.05

February 2nd, 2005

The latest Podcast. Topics include the 2004 Members Choice Awards, an LQ Radio and Skype update, a few LQ reminders, LQ sponsoring the OSBC, Linux kernel security, the Software Freedom Law Center and ESR stepping down from OSI.


As always, substitute “.mp3” for “.ogg” to get the OGG.


Skype Progress

February 1st, 2005

I am happy to report that we’ve made some real Skype progress today. The echo issue turned out to be some odd ALSA settings. We seem to have much of it straightened out now. We’ll do some more testing tomorrow, but things are looking up. You can also expect another podcast tomorrow.


Skype 1.0 for Linux (and MacOSX) finally at 1.0

February 1st, 2005

Looks like Skype Version 1.0 for Linux and OSX has finally been released. I’ll be testing the new version for use on LQ Radio later today. Hopefully some of the sound issues we’ve been experiencing have been addressed. Stay tuned.
