> LQ Radio > Open Talk… about Open Source and Linux

LQ Radio Update

January 27th, 2005

After doing some testing and talking a bit more with Doug (who has been a huge help) it appears that a Skype-only system may not be able to give us the quality and reliability that I was hoping for. I’m going to take a few days to think about how to proceed, but I’d be interested to hear what feedback other have. Thanks.


LQ Radio Intro is now Available

January 25th, 2005

The LQ Radio intro spot is now ready. As always, your feedback is welcome – let us know what you think. I hope to have an update on our technical issues later today. I’d like to thank Tim for his help on this. He turned around what I think is a great intro in an extremely short amount of time. Much appreciated!

LQ Radio intro


LQ Radio – Update

January 24th, 2005

Thanks to Doug from IT Conversations I have a very good idea of where I was going wrong with the current LQ Radio setup. The good news is I wasn’t too far off. I’ll be off to the store a little later to buy one more piece of equipment. Hopefully I’ll have another update for you later. Also, the intro should be recorded tomorrow, so things are coming along nicely.

–jeremy Podcast – 01.23.05

January 23rd, 2005

The latest Podcast. Topics include our new audio setup, an update on our intro, the new LQ Radio logo and tagline, the new LQ bugtracker, a couple random LQ stats, a product announcement from IBM and the impact Microsoft has on software prices. Don’t forget, their is also an ogg available in the same directory as the mp3.



LQ Radio Slogan and Logo

January 21st, 2005

As you can probably see, the LQ Radio logo is now up. Additionally, we have decided on the follow slogan:
Open Talk.. about Open Source.

If you have any feedback on either the logo or the slogan, leave a comment. Thanks.

–jeremy Podcast – 01.20.05

January 20th, 2005

The latest Podcast. Topics include the LQ Podcast moving to the LQ Radio site, our new audio setup, Sometimes things just work out, LinuxWorld Expo and a couple Linux News stories.



The RSS Feeds are Setup

January 19th, 2005

The 3 RSS feeds for the site have been setup. They are as follows:

LQ Radio –
LQ Podcasts –
Combined Feed –

The next podcast will be up withing the next 24 hours. Stay tuned.


LQ Podcasts Moving to LQ Radio

January 18th, 2005

Based on the feedback I have been getting, the LQ Podcasts will be moving to the LQ Radio site. We’ll have an RSS feed for only LQ Radio, one for only the LQ Podcasts and a combined feed. Stay tuned.


LQ Radio Comments Are Now Threaded

January 18th, 2005

Thanks to david_ross, LQ Radio now has threaded comments, a feature that I think was sorely lacking. If you notice any problems with the new feature, please let us know ASAP. Thanks.


Where to Post LQ Podcasts?

January 17th, 2005

I asked over on My Blog, but I’ll ask here also. Where would you like to see LQ Podcasts posted – on my blog, where they currently are or here on LQ radio, in a dedicated LQ Podcast category?
