> LQ Radio > Open Talk… about Open Source and Linux

LQ Radio Update

April 26th, 2005

A long awaited LQ Radio update. I just recorded the first live LQ Radio interview and the first show will hopefully be recorded next week. The first interview, featuring Sam Hiser and Tom Adelstein, went extremely well content wise and I should be able to have it posted later today. Skype gave us huge problems and we ended up having to ditch the p2p method and have me call both of them on landlines via Skypeout. Once we did that, things worked great. Stay tuned!

–jeremy Podcast – 04.20.05

April 20th, 2005

The latest Podcast. Topics include the importance of Open Document formats, the return of the SCOX ticker and some coverage of the recent LinuxWorld Canada.



Linux, Podcast, LinuxWorld Podcast – 04.18.05

April 18th, 2005

The latest Podcast. Topics include the new LQ contest, upcoming LQ Radio MySQL Users Conference Podcasts, Linux and Bitkeeper, SCOXE, Tim’s comments on self-publishing, the Munich Linux migration and more.



Linux, Podcast Podcast – 03.29.05

March 29th, 2005

The latest Podcast. Topics include LQ ISO updates, the LQ Wiki drive to 3,000 articles, Yahoo 360, the reinvention of Progeny, the Grokster case and Intel on their OSI license. Remember, if you like the LQ Podcast please head over to Podcast Alley and vote for us.



Linux, Podcast

The Linux Link Tech Show

March 24th, 2005

I was a guest on the Linux Link Tech Show last night. Here’s the OGG. Quite a few topics were covered and I think you’ll find it to be an interesting segment.

–jeremy Podcast – 03.23.05

March 23rd, 2005

The latest Podcast. Topics include jeremy being on the Linux Link Tech Show, free LWE Canada passes, LQ Wiki and LQ ISO updates, Web 2.0 starting to bubble, Danese Cooper and the DrewTech vs. SAE GPL case.


–jeremy Podcast – 03.16.05

March 16th, 2005

The latest Podcast. Topics include LQ radio updates, a new Ubuntu forum at LQ, the journey to 3,000 LQ Wiki articles, LQ sponsoring LinuxWorld Canada and the LinuxWorld New York Summit, the Yarro-Canopy Settlement, the Levanto-IBM deal closing and Russ stepping down as OSI president.



SCALE 3X Audio Series V

March 6th, 2005

This is the fifth and final audio clip from SCALE 3X. This clip is an interview with Orv Beach, SCALE’s Publicity Chair. Thanks again to Harold, who recorded these and let us post them here at LQ Radio.


–jeremy Podcast – 03.03.05

March 3rd, 2005

The latest Podcast. Topics include LinuxWorld and FUDCon wrapups, some LQ news, Alan Cox, Mark Lucovsky and SCOX in trouble.



SCALE 3X Audio Series IV

February 28th, 2005

Here’s the fourth in a series of audio clips from SCALE 3X. This one is a conversation with both and LAMPSIG (Los Angeles Open Source Web Development Group). Thanks again to Harold and remember that these are licensed under a Creative Commons license.

