> LQ Radio > LQ Radio Slogan and Logo

LQ Radio Slogan and Logo

As you can probably see, the LQ Radio logo is now up. Additionally, we have decided on the follow slogan:
Open Talk.. about Open Source.

If you have any feedback on either the logo or the slogan, leave a comment. Thanks.


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Comment by Chris
2005-01-21 11:12:38

Good old Tux, he doesnt half get about! Sounds good, noticeable decrease in popping. How about some background music over the news stories?

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Comment by vectordrake
2005-01-21 21:55:35

I’m still waiting for Chris to volunteer….

Comment by Chris
2005-01-25 05:54:56

Still waiting for me to volunteer for what?

Trackback by Jeremy's Blog
2005-01-21 17:46:04

LQ Radio – Slogan and Logo

LQ Radio now has a tagline and a logo! Check it out and let me know what you think.


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Comment by vectordrake
2005-01-23 15:27:10

This is a very nice logo and the tagline is great! A keeper IMO

Comment by titanium_geek
2005-01-22 08:17:30

ooo… nice logo.

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Comment by C
2005-01-24 20:47:16

I am surprised that you used Tux in your new logo. Yes he is a part of open source, but I feel that he only covers Linux related matters. In order to include other open source projects, you might want to use another mascot or include others with Tux.

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Comment by jeremy
2005-01-25 15:43:28

While the show will cover the entire range of Open Source issues, the L in LQ Radio does stand for Linux, so I think tux being included in the logo is appropriate.


Comment by Brynjar Harðarson
2005-01-25 13:37:44

Well personally think TUX is a nice choice for the logo since TUX is the mascot for Linux and though Linux is only a art of everything open source it’s there right on the top, one of the first things you think about when you hear ‘open source’ is Linux just like when you hear ‘free software’ you think ‘GNU’.

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Comment by boreo
2005-01-25 15:32:14

That’s a very nice logo, may I ask who contributed with the logo?

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Comment by jeremy
2005-01-25 15:33:57

The logo was done by the same person who did the main LQ logo. Thanks again Teresa!


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