> LQ Radio > Open Talk… about Open Source and Linux Podcast – 09.12.05

September 12th, 2005

The latest Podcast. Topics include LQ ISO, LQ Wiki, the LQ search, LWE UK, the recent MySQL-SCO partnership, Windows Vista hardware requirements and eBay acquires Skype.



MySQL, SCO, Vista, eBay, Skype, PayPal, Podcast

LQ Radio Interview #4 – Doc Searls

August 25th, 2005

In this edition of the LQ Radio Interview Series we have Doc Searls, of Linux Journal, Cluetrain Manifesto and more. We discuss a variety of topics including recent OSCON and LinuxWorld trips, Cluetrain, Google, splogs, RSS, Linux Trademarks and more. Total running time is 1:27. A BitTorrent is available.



OSCON, LinuxWorld, splog, RSS, Linux, weblog Podcast – 08.16.05

August 16th, 2005

The latest Podcast. Topics include LQ Bookmarks, upcoming LQ Radio content, the Microsoft iPod patent, recent Firefox stats, and HP’s call for Sun and IBM to Remove OSS Licenses.



Podcast, Microsoft, Firefox Podcast – 08.09.05

August 9th, 2005

The latest Podcast. Topics include LQ Bookmarks, LQ ISO, OSCON coverage and a DRM in x86 Mac OSX update.


OSCON, OSCON2005, Apple, DRM Podcast – 08.01.05

August 1st, 2005

The latest Podcast. Topics include the LQ Radio interview with Asa, OSCON, LQ Bookmarks, standards and CSS in IE7, DRM in x86 Mac OSX and whether Windows users are idiots (hint: no, they’re not).



Apple DRM OSX Windows IE IE7 Linux

LQ Radio Interview #3 – Asa Dotzler

July 27th, 2005

In this edition of the LQ Radio Interview Series we have Asa Dotzler, of the Mozilla Foundation. In the interview, Asa covers how he got turned on to Open Source and Firefox, why the FF 1.1 release morphed into 1.5, where Firefox and the MoFo are headed, his thoughts on IE7, and what browser he’d use if he couldn’t use Firefox. He also gets into some detail about his recent comments about Linux on the desktop. Total running time is 1:21. A BitTorrent is available.



Firefox, Mozilla, Linux Podcast – 07.25.05

July 25th, 2005

The latest Podcast. Topics include LQ Radio, a look into the average LQ visitor, Linux on the Desktop, Apple and Intel and the success of MySQL AB.



Podcast, MySQL, Apple, Linux, Intel
Vote for us at Podcast Alley.

LQ Radio Episode #3 – Open Talk about Open Source and Linux

July 18th, 2005

Episode #3 of LQ Radio. Topics include LQ Radio, LQ Bookmarks, the unsealed SCO email, Grokster, The Ubuntu Foundation, Linux on the Desktop (and Asa), Debian-based Enterprise Linux, the future of Sun and much more. Total running time is 1:23. Bittorrent is available.


Podcast, Ubuntu, Debian, Sun

LQ Radio Episode #2 – Open Talk about Open Source and Linux

July 11th, 2005

Episode #2 of LQ Radio – featuring finegan, dave, john and jeremy. Topics include Linux on the desktop, beagle, Apple moving to Intel, blogging, Linux appliances, broadcom, Google’s Linux app, the Vienna Linux migration and much much more. Total running time is 1:29. Bittorrent is available.


–jeremy Podcast – 07.08.05

July 8th, 2005

The latest Podcast. Topics include LQ Radio, OSCON,, Google and Linux apps, Fundable and the Vienna soft migration to Linux.



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