LQ Radio Episode #3 – Open Talk about Open Source and Linux
Episode #3 of LQ Radio. Topics include LQ Radio, LQ Bookmarks, the unsealed SCO email, Grokster, The Ubuntu Foundation, Linux on the Desktop (and Asa), Debian-based Enterprise Linux, the future of Sun and much more. Total running time is 1:23. Bittorrent is available.
cool. nice “rolling”- smooth. got bogged down on the SCO stuff- but who wouldn’t? SCO- I don’t care. Agree with jeremy- talk about it when it’s over, or if it’s a main headline in a major newspaper/news media that isn’t tech based.
movies- they suck. Hollywood hurts because the movies suck.
want an Asa interview!
ring/vibration is on dave’s voice. anoying whistle at ~1:08
gripe: volume. I have my laptop speakers maxed and grr.
did john ever come back?
jeremy needs to be “in controll” of the show- he sorta got shouted out sometimes.
nameing conventions. really annoying for organizing: should have a standard:
LQ Radio Episode 1
LQ Radio - Episode #2
LQ Radio Episode #3
so yeah- so the order is 1 3 2 so can we have standard please?
only minor complaints- great show!
The naming convention inconsistency is my fault. I’d say we’ll probably settle on:
LQ Radio Episode x
Thanks for the feedback.
oh nice! I can’t wait to download it and listen to it :)
Last episode was AWSOME. lots of the things mentionned where close or exactly my opinion reflected in my blog.
Dvd software included with hardware doesn’t support 5.1 suround decoding, they want more money.
VLC works for playing DVD in windows, including 5.1 decoding.
Great show yet again Jeremy. Volume leveling should be addressed, but the sound is getting better overall. My thoughts on the subjects.
1. SCO – We are in agreement. SCO is done, put a fork in them. Let’s all talk about that once the judge(s) put the smackdown on them. All these sensational news items are simply confirming what we already know. They lied, their scum, they will get theirs in the end.
2. Hollywood built its own coffin with the lame repeats they have been pushing for the last year or so. Other than Lucas’s baby (which I saw three times in the theater) there just isn’t anything in the theaters worth the hassle or the cost these days. No matter what hollywood would have us all believe, the scratchy low quality bootlegs cannot compare to seeing a good flick on a theater screen. Better movies == better profits.
3. We don’t need consolodation in the Linux world anymore than the market demands. Sure there are a ton of distros, but as more and more users adopt Linux, the best distros will attract people and the lesser distros won’t. Market economics will work fine in the Linux market in time. Now is the time for a lot of choices and competition, which will only drive innovation and further the greater cause.
4. Thunderbird would be a great mail client if it had an integrated calendar app. I know some think a mail client should be seperate, but PIM integration is nice for the average user.
5. (K)Ubuntu isn’t going anywhere. A strong community and a billionaire backer will keep it going. That and it is a great distro for folks who are sick of the RPM BS and want a simplified Debian desktop OS. I too was skeptical at first, being a serious fan of pure Debian, but I must say I was happy to eat my words on this one. Ubuntu is great.
Keep up the good work.
I think that both music and movies from “the big industry” (those mass-produced by hollywood or big record companies) sucks.
And about the distro part at the end, UserLinux has been released and is active. Check out it on distrowatch: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=userlinux
Hi Guys!
It’s great to see the quality improvement of the show since episode 1. The only thing missing is streaming MP3/OGG…it just doesn’t feel like internet radio if I can’t have the option to tune in/out of the live stream along with having a forum dedicated to the broadcast in addition to having the option to download it afterwards.
There is a stream now. The show will be going live in the future, but there is currently no ETA for this. Thanks for the feedback.
Ugh. Is there any way you can convert this to a lower rate for the dial-up users here? I mean i’ve been on dialup since 94, and this pisses me off more than anything when the standard moves away from me when i’ve been around longer than anyone I see online spoiled by broadband. It’s not my fault I live in an area that doesn’t carry it. I’ll be moving soon, but until then I’m still stuck.I hear whinos complaining about using dialup for a day when their broadband service is out, and it makes me sick. Try using it for 11 years. And I didn’t always have 56k
I’m looking into this for other reasons also – stay tuned.
You can always do a download and save to desktop and play it without drop out. I have broadband and that’s the way I still prefer.
How about an article on how to setup a web radio with suggested equipment and software, what you are using, techniques , etc. Thanks, Larry
We detailed our setup and procedures in a previous recording.
I know that your foul language is necessary to prove that you are very cool and progressive guys. But as cute as it might be, it is extremely offensive. Why must your expletives come from the gutter? You are supposedly reasonably well educated – why is your vocabulary so limited? You are certainly creating an unpleasant image of the leading edge people in England!
foul language? people in England?? I think you may have the wrong show…
cool. nice “rolling”- smooth. got bogged down on the SCO stuff- but who wouldn’t? SCO- I don’t care. Agree with jeremy- talk about it when it’s over, or if it’s a main headline in a major newspaper/news media that isn’t tech based.
movies- they suck. Hollywood hurts because the movies suck.
want an Asa interview!
SCO – We are in agreement. SCO is done, put a fork in them. Let’s all talk about that once the judge(s) put the smackdown on them. All these sensational news items are simply confirming what we already know. They lied, their scum, they will get theirs in the end.
the insurance companies don’t want you to know…
Information on the life insurance industry…