Podcast – 11.09.06
The latest Podcast. Topics include in-depth coverage of the recent Novell and Microsoft collaboration, the Red Hat response to the recent Linux news, CentOS on Unbreakable Linux and responses from around the Linux community. Due to the in-depth coverage of the two recent stories, there will likely be a bonus Podcast over the weekend so I can cover additional Linux news stories for the week.
Podcast, Linux, Open Source, Oracle, Unbreakable, Red Hat, Novell, Microsoft, CentOS
Great one! Recently I’ve posted that I miss some more emotionality in the show. Well, now that things are getting very hectic _within_ the linux sector, I see the great responsibilities and the demand for strict rationality. This podcast is a great beacon to look up to. Good job of keeping your cool!
Knowledge is power and an informed user group is much harder to ignore than a divided uninformed user group. I just learned of this service via an email from forum _aT_ and am an immediate convert. Thanks again.
Well Microsoft in bed with Novell. Who’s going to get kicked out of the sack is my question. I commend Novell for bringing together so many components of Linux to show its power. But really. who’d be gullible enough to even remotely begin to believe that MS has any good plans for Linux.
Great cast.. cheers